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Il rittrato di Rosario de Luca
“Il ritratto di Rosario de Luca” curated by Andrea de Luca
Guided Visit by Andrea de Luca: Saturday, 20.05.23 at 12:30 h.
The Collector is Present
a project by Barcelona Gallery Weekend
Nota de prensa
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Andrea de Luca is a mechanical engineer who runs his own studio called Future Fit. He is a dedicated innovator, constantly exploring new ideas and pushing the boundaries of product development. With a deep passion for design and mechanical engineering, Andrea is committed to creating high-quality products that are not only functional but also aesthetically pleasing for everyday use.
In addition to his engineering pursuits, and vision of the future and trends Andrea is also a passionate contemporary art collector. His passion for art and creative vision are evident in his work as a mechanical engineer, where he seeks to infuse every product he develops with functionality and beauty.
His art collection begins with a painting by Renato Guttuso, a portrait that the famous Sicilian painter made of his grandfather Rosario.
The exhibition Il ritratto di Rosario de Luca, curated by Andrea, is an exercise in style in which the collector rethinks his path, rebuilding a hypothetical new collection exclusively with the paintings selected in the gallery.
Mayo 2023
Il rittrato di Rosario de Luca
19 - 20 mayo 2023
arte contemporáneo
exposición colectiva
exposición colectiva
Suburbia Contemporary
Barcelona, Carrer de València, 345, Barcelona
Barcelona, Carrer de València, 345, Barcelona
Horario de apertura
19.05.2023 11. h - 20. h
20.05.2023 11. h - 19. h
19 mayo 2023, 12:30. h
Enlaces oficiales
Suburbia Contemporary
Media partner
Producción - Organización